How To Clean Aluminum

Knowing how to clean aluminum isn’t so hard… It will just require a bit of effort to get the desired results.


Like I have said numerous times around the site… It is not just about cleaning or restoring your metal. You will also need to protect your metal. Protect to Prevent.


You will only ever need to clean your aluminum because it has either:


a) lost its protective coating, allowing for the oxidization to take place or

b) there was never no protective coating in the first place – in which case you will get oxidization occurring.



We want to know how to clean aluminum,

so where do we start?


That entirely depends on the result you are seeking. Are you wanting to just give your aluminum a quick clean? Or are you looking to restore aluminum? What about both?


If you’re looking to restore, you will have to first clean and secondly coat with a protective clear coat. (Unless you are willing to keep coming back to clean the aluminum when it begins to oxidize again)


What are you cleaning? We know its aluminum, but is it aluminum joinery windows? Or an antique? Whatever you are looking to clean and restore, some things require minor differences in the way they are cleaned and restored.


This is because some ways on how to restore metals are more risky than others. Depending on what you use as your solution.



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Cleaning aluminum is generally quite easy and does not require too much effort to clean.


Here are a few proven ways on how to clean aluminum with stuff easily available at home.